Are Cheap Engagement Rings Bad? We Set the Record Straight
It’s a common misconception that engagement rings have to cost an arm and a leg. Ya know … three month’s salary and all that jazz. But if you do decide to go the unconventional route and prioritize your budget, does that mean your wedding is doomed to fail? Nope, it sure doesn’t! Does it mean that the ring won’t last? Nope again! In this guide, we’re covering why opting for a cheap engagement ring is a mighty fine choice that may actually help strengthen your marriage.
But First … Busting Misconceptions
Ever since diamond giant De Beers began marketing diamonds as an engagement necessity back in the 1930s and promoting their iconic slogan A Diamond is Forever, using a very expensive rock to pop the question has been the standard. But the truth is that this was all a pretty elaborate marketing scheme orchestrated by big corporations, and — like the diamonds it shilled — it was downright brilliant.
De Beers and fellow diamond industry behemoths created campaigns perpetuating a whole bunch of myths that are now commonly mistaken as fact. Nope, diamonds are not actually a good investment_, they’re not actually rare_* and they’re certainly not the only way to ask the big question.
*While diamonds might be forever, their value is not. In fact, that dazzling little gemstone loses over 50 percent of its value the second you waltz out of the jewelry store. Diamonds are beautiful and cherished, but they are undoubtedly a depreciating asset (kind of like a car).
**Unfortunately, the clear little stones are not actually very rare. According to the International Gem Society, diamonds are likely the most common gem in nature. So why are diamonds so expensive then? It’s all about the marketing!
So now that we’ve determined that expensive diamond engagement rings are by far the most over-hyped item in human history — you can quote us on that — let’s get down to the nitty-gritties about their cheaper alternatives. Cheap engagement rings are not bad. In fact, they come with a variety of great benefits that may make them even more desirable than standard ones.

Cheap Engagement Rings = A Stronger Marriage
Expensive engagement rings aren’t just overplayed, they may actually be bad for your marriage. One study even revealed that couples who shell out more cash for the engagement ring tend to have a higher rate of divorce. When you think about it, this isn’t particularly surprising. Extending your means or going broke for a piece of jewelry is a bad way to start.
There are many different kinds of affordable engagement rings, from diamond alternative rings to free-to-you antiques passed down in the family. The truth? They’re all just fine. But some will last longer than others. If you choose an option made with high-quality materials, your ring can quite literally last a lifetime and be passed along to future generations.
So which materials are best for your affordable engagement ring? If you love the classic look of a real diamond, you can’t go wrong with handmade simulated diamonds. These brilliant stones are literally flawless and made to the highest quality standards for cut, color and clarity. Not only are they gorgeous and affordable, but they’re also remarkably durable. Bonus: Simulated diamonds are conflict-free.
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To save even more, choose a band and setting made with more affordable precious metals like sterling silver plated in rhodium. These materials are timeless and long-lasting, with one great benefit: they contain no nickel. That means they won’t cause any allergic reactions and they won’t turn her finger green.

Contrary to popular belief, how much you spend on an engagement ring does not directly correlate with how attractive it is. In fact, if you take a stroll through our collection of budget-friendly options, you’ll see that there are a ton of trend-setting and classic engagement rings that command attention without the cost.

Start Your Marriage Off Right
While engagement ring expectations vs. reality can vary greatly from couple to couple, at the end of the day, this ring symbolizes the start of forever with your partner. No matter what you choose to spend on an engagement ring, Modern Gents is here to help you find a ring you'll both love. Browse our extensive collection of cheap, yet stunning engagement rings, wedding bands, jewelry, and more today!